Sunday, November 26, 2006

A long walk.

A few pics from our long walk along the Beaver Brook Trail. I think we trotted about twelve miles of it, full circle. Juneau probably went over twenty, with all his back-and-forthness, and he's been lounging on the couch since. It's been nice.

I see a face in this one. An icy gargoyle.

Again, the camera does no justice. The open space here was awe inspiring.

Steve and Mandy . . .

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Joe and Missy, it was great to see y'all!

Joe taught a man to fish.
Thanks, Joe.

I thought I'd ordered falafel, but apparently never did. The girl behind the counter suggested lemon hookah, and so we partook. This is a regular stop for me - a good mid-point on my march down Colfax, from Mark and Jodi's.

Joe was supposed to meet Zachary, but he's no longer employed there. Anyone there on one of my previous visits would clearly understand why (not that it had anything to do with me). It's a long story, and I recall little of it now. Ask Mark.

Young Love.

The Other End of Fall, in the city . . .

After two years in Phoenix, it's so good to see snow again out the window.

So I've been negligent. We had fall. Pictures do it no justice.

Pictures do it little justice. You can't hear, or see the aspen's shivering anticipation of the coldness to come.

It's incredible.

Somehow fall passed me by without my taking any good shots of its splendor in the city.

Biking to and from work each day, I kept reminding myself to bring my camera, but I'm not much for clear thinking in the AM, and never did.

Next year.