Sunday, November 26, 2006

A long walk.

A few pics from our long walk along the Beaver Brook Trail. I think we trotted about twelve miles of it, full circle. Juneau probably went over twenty, with all his back-and-forthness, and he's been lounging on the couch since. It's been nice.

I see a face in this one. An icy gargoyle.

Again, the camera does no justice. The open space here was awe inspiring.


Anonymous said...

real nice shots my friend!

tadpole said...

Thanks, Kev. I only liked the one, of the blue ice.

Tom said...

The open meadow sort of reminds me of the sods in october.

tadpole said...

I thought the same. In the fall, these kinds of fields were incredible. All of the ground cover turned blue, purple, red, orange, yellow . . . all the stuff you didn't realize was there untill autumn hit. Wish I'd gotten a picture of it.

gel Paco said...

All that snow, and no snow pics yet!?!

Tom said...

No girl can excuse two months of no posts.

Tom said...

unless you've found Anne Marie Watson.

Anonymous said...

Listen, guy, man up. Or at least re-register, punk.