Sunday, September 03, 2006

Gaaaaame POINT . . .

Ah, bikers and their chaps, leather, and best of all . . . the tassels.

I understand the leather. I'd want it too, if I layed a bike down on the highway. The chaps, not so much. The tassels bring back fond, and sadly, not so distant memories of Ocean City, MD.

I particularly enjoy when they have the tassels streaming from their handlebars. I like to yell things like, "Hey, your sister wants her bike back!" or, "WHY NOT A BANANA SEAT, TOO!?"

With the windows up, of course.

Mariah dares me to do it with the windows down, but as testament to the fact that i never have, i'm still here writing this post.

She also dared me to take this pic, and practically demanded it go on the blog.

Game point.

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